Groudwater modeling - The case of the Emilia-Romagna region - Slides by Dr. Andrea Chahoud - ARPAE (in Italian)

Groundwater modeling is becoming an essential tool for water resources management where groundwater is a primary source for water supply systems. The Emilia-Romagna region is an interesting case study. To support regional water resources management, the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection (ARPAE) developed already in 2005 a dynamic model of the regional aquifer, that was applied to support the development of the regional water resources management plan.

Dr. Andrea Chahoud, who was one of the developers of the model, delivered a seminar to my students to illustrate the model structure and its application. The slides he presented are available for download here below. I think they present a very interesting case study and are an excellent introduction to applied groundwater modeling. Slides are in Italian with some parts in English.

I would like to thank very much Dr. Andrea Chahoud who delivered the seminar and agreed to make the documents below available. I am also very grateful to ARPAE for the cooperation.
Thank you for your interest.

Slides by Dr. Andrea Chahoud (ARPAE)