
Why Opinions and why in English?

In 2016 I will get 50. I am starting to feel that it is time to let others know my thoughts on what I believe are relevant issues (not necessarily important). For this reason, I decided to include a section in my web site where I would like to collect my opinions. This page shows (not necessarily) short articles delivering my views on academic issues, research challenges, my experiences as journal editor, department chair and evaluator of scientific impact. My opinions will not be confined to my professional activity. It may happen that I write on sporting activities, my climbing trips and my runs, my skiing days or whatever. I would like to be informal, I hope readers may forgive me if sometimes my pieces will be a bit naive. It may happen that I write after drinking a (lot of) glass(es) of good Italian wine.

I decided to write my opinions in English. In the Italian version of my web site I will translate this introduction, but not the text of the opinions. There are several reasons for this choice. First, my will is to mainly write on research and academic life and I feel that English is the most appropriate language in this context. Furthermore, learning English is still a remarkable effort for me. Therefore, writing in English is a kind of personal challenge that I wanted to take. Finally, I am essentially a shy person and therefore it is easier for me to write my personal opinions in a non-native language.

I hope you may enjoy the readings below!

Lectures in streaming from March 2nd - An excellent result

On March 2nd the University of Bologna will gradually make lectures available in streaming.

Irrinet/Irriframe: an example of successful smart irrigation

Irrinet/Irriframe, along with Acquacampus, is an interesting experience in Italy for optimising irrigation.

Statistics of the videos of my lectures

In Spring 2012 I took the decision of regularly posting videos of my lectures in my YouTube channel (lectures are collected into

Interactive learning is a must!

Vincenzo Maffeo Barberini si laurea all'Università di Pisa - Arazzo della Manifattura Barberini - Musei Vaticani

In the Spring semester 2018 I decided to mark a step forward to interactive learning which, according to Wikipedia,

Towards a new form of academic learning

We know well that the world is rapidly changing. What is really amazing is the pace of change of society and human attitudes.

Water bombs

In Italy, we are being hit by water bombs. I think I need to explain what this term means.

Bibliometrics: Columbus' egg?

About 10 years ago the use of bibliometrics to evaluate scientific publishing and academic merits became more and more popular, for the increasing need to objectively evaluate research achievements