University lectures: ready to go!!

On September 16 lectures will start at Unibo, in physical presence plus online streaming. Some details are still being defined. Students are kindly requested to stay tuned on the Unibo web pages (see here and here).

To plan activities in compliance with health regulations, students will be asked to specify, using an application currently in development, the learning activities they intend to follow and the relevant method of attendance. Planning will start soon and will involve periods of two weeks, repeated regularly, to ensure maximum flexibility. This will allow to manage room capacity safely and efficiently and, if necessary, plan rotas. Each student will have their course timetable and the relevant method of attendance constantly updated.

Information on my lectures can be found at my web pages for Costruzioni Idrauliche, Coastal Engineering and Science of Climate Change and Climate Action.

To go back to classrooms is particularly exciting for me. I am sure that lectures and education will be improved with respect to the previous situation, but we will need to be careful. I am sure that you students will be able to manage the situation for the better. Please do not hesitate to write me for any information or clarification.

Thank you and see you soon!