Articolo scientifico: A geostatistical data-assimilation technique for enhancing macro-scale rainfall–runoff simulations

L'articolo scientifico A geostatistical data-assimilation technique for enhancing macro-scale rainfall–runoff simulations (open access) è stato pubblicato su Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS). Nello short summary si legge:

This research work focuses on the development of an innovative method for enhancing the predictive capability of macro-scale rainfall–runoff models by means of a geostatistical apporach. In our method, one can get enhanced streamflow simulations without any further model calibration. Indeed, this method is neither computational nor data-intensive and is implemented only using observed streamflow data and a GIS vector layer with catchment boundaries. Assessments are performed in the Tyrol region.

Il lavoro è stato sviluppate nell'ambito del progetto Switch-On, coordinato dalle Swedish Hydrological and Meteorological Institute è finanziato dal 7th Framework Programme dell'Unione Europea.

Grazie per l'interesse.